Sunday, June 28, 2009

Don't Miss This Item In Your Survival Kit

Well, I had a really good article for today but I have been told by a few that I need to do a guest post of some of my best work as unpublished articles on someone’s blog. So I'm saving it for that. If you know of anyone looking for a good guest post let me know. Once it's published somewhere, I'll let you know where to read it. I think you will enjoy it very much.

So, here I was left with no article and a bad headache, which I've had for two days. No amount of medication seemed to help. Then I remembered hearing about caffeine withdrawal. I used to drink coffee but switched to making my own iced green tea lately. However, after running out of green tea, I hadn't made it to the store to get more.

What does this have to do with survival preparations you might ask? I'm glad you asked. Nowhere in the preper literature have I seen anything relating to caffeine so, let me be the first to present the idea to the lucky Survival Stew readers.

It's common to include medicines as part of a survival kit along with first aid supplies but also throw in a bottle of caffeine pills, if only to help wean off the coffee, coke or whatever when supplies dry up. Believe me, it can be very debilitating to have a caffeine withdrawal headache and no one needs that in a survival situation. With everything coming up, there may not be gas for the shipping of coffee, etc. or it could be very expensive with hyperinflation set to kick in. Sorry, that may be a luxury some can't afford.

Of course you could always stock up on the caffeine drinks if you have the resources now but it still couldn't hurt to have some of the pills stored away in a cool, dark place. They would be great for staying alert and that could be very important in the times ahead. Also, they might come in handy for bartering when all those ex-coffee drinkers are walking around with splitting headaches.

The New Job Market

It's been the longstanding parental hope that our children will be able to fare better in their pursuit of the American dream than what we ourselves have been able to accomplish toward that end. However, we now will definitely have to reconsider that time-honored belief with what I'll refer to as a Laurel and Hardy economy; "another fine mess they've gotten us into".

Many of the country's foremost experts who choose to take a realistic view of our current economic conditions are reaching the same conclusions. Some of the evidence pointing to where
we're going can be can be uncovered by looking to academia or, if not blinded by so much of the misinformation out there, by just plain old common sense:

  • At Northeastern University of Boston, recent research finds that college graduates working in jobs that require a degree are significantly down from last year.
  • To make matters worse, those that are lucky enough to even find any type of work will be required to occupy the jobs that normally would have gone to those with only a high school diploma, leaving those poor souls out in the cold, perhaps literally.
  • This problem has been increasing dramatically since the current decline in the economy has been underway and the trend shows no signs of weakening, not to mention anything resembling a reversal, any time in the not too distant future.
  • In fact, employers are reporting that they are expecting to hire 22 percent fewer graduating seniors in their chosen fields this year than last according to another study by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.
  • On top of this, 17 percent of surveyed firms say they will slash hiring even more starting as soon as the end of the summer.
  • Yale school of Management's labor economist, Lisa Kahn, has done a thorough job of summing it up this way. "The labor market consequences of graduating from college in a bad economy are large, negative and persistent.
As pointed out in other places on my blog, the unemployment figures, which are bad enough, don't tell the whole story of our job market. The percentages that you see, which are supposed to indicate the level of unemployment not do not take into consideration many factors. There are many ways that these numbers, as well as many others, are spun in order to present us with misleading information. The percentages that you see, which are supposed to indicate the level of unemployment not do not take into consideration many factors, of which these are just a few:
  • The underemployed. Those that take part-time work or minimum wage work when the higher paying job they had is dissolved.
  • Those that have run out of unemployment insurance benefits. They are no longer counted after they have reached the limited time period. They're just brushed under the rug at that point.
  • Young people who have not yet had a job and are unable to find work. They don't have the required time in that would enable them to receive benefits and, therefore to be counted.
  • Anyone who hasn't met the requirements to enable them to receive benefits. This would include people without the requisite number of weeks at their last job, for one. It would also include those that were turned down for benefits for whatever reason such as a person found to be at fault for a termination.
  • A spouse who needs to find work due to financial necessity after not working for a certain period of time for whatever reason. This would be a common occurrence in times of economic distress.

How our children will be able to survive, let alone to prosper, is dependent on our being able to have all of the information needed, not skewed figures that hide the real problem. And maybe we will need to re-think the ways we will define their prosperity.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Oil Play Not As Profitable As Reported

I am going to share a post of mine from the Bakken Shale Oil Play Discussion on a topic that touches on how mainstream media twists and spins news to the extent that it usually comes out as just the opposite of what is actually going on. To view the entire thread, go to the Bakken Shale oil formation site for a very informative and lively discussion group.

Actually that already appears to be a cheery note, as I see it, David. Lets say that Larry's study is valid:

"Of the 253 wells in Mountrail County 92 (36%) of them have already generated enough net revenue to payoff the $5 million drilling costs. Another 120 (47%) should generate enough net revenue to payoff the drilling cost within the next two years."

Therefore, even with the present conditions:

1. poor transportation to get the oil to market (likely to improve)

2. prices running below what they may be in the future

3. current technology (also likely to improve)

we have 83% of the wells in the county (36% plus 47%), which could be said to be fairly good ones. And once those three conditions are improved upon, the percentage of good wells should go up even higher from there as well as the length of time to pay off the well getting shorter. So, in actuallity, that doesn't really sound like that bad of news.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

On the Brink

Well, summers here and things are about to heat up in more ways than one. Watch for things to begin unraveling more and more as we approach the September to Early November period. A kind of a perfect storm is brewing, where everything comes together to form the rare and dangerous climate for the big one. We have a lot of different areas are coming to a head right now, which will all contribute to this calamity:

1. The derivatives are getting to the point of crashing in.

2. Commercial real estate is bubbling up fast.

3. The excessive printing of new money may lead directly to a hyper inflationary effect.

Once these and other man-made conditions are created, there is no where to go but vertical and I'm not talking about up. Throw in a natural disaster here and there and maybe a pandemic or two and, hey, you get the picture. The dollar devaluation alone could very easily lead to bad times for most. Hyperinflation would mean that the simple necessities such as food would be cost prohibitive for many. (See the section on gardening further down on the list.) And gas prices could prevent commuters from just getting to work and back every day, if you even have a job to go to. By mid 2010 things could be worse than anyone can even imagine. This time its not just the doomers that are calling for gloom and doom but anyone who takes everything into consideration; rationalists or realists of all bents, if you will. Now is not the time for false optimism for that is not an attribute that will help to avoid being blindsided with the current state of affairs upon us. See the article on what steps to take at this time and be sure not to wait too long.

Mid July until September is the window with things getting even worse through the first week of November. October is particularly troubling and then things go down even more from there through 2010 and beyond. This will not be a short-lived event and, whatever you do, do not believe those on the tele and elsewhere claiming that this minor upturn is the start of a recovery. Just turn that off and keep coming back here if you want the real scoop.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Preparations for the Cash-Strapped

If you have plenty of cash, it makes it a heck of a lot easier to be a preper. But if you are like most people, the paradigm we've been subject to has kept you on a very austere path. Fear not, there still may be steps that can be taken to help. And here are a few.

1. Have a garage sale. A great way to clean out the unused items that you have laying around and use the money to purchase dried foods (see Survival Store at the top of this site).

2. Visit food pantries and stock up on extra canned and storable foods and put away for later.

3. If you are unemployed or on disability, apply for food assistance, WIC if you have small children. Then use these to purchase storable foods and keep stocking them away.

4. Sell large items that are not necessary. Use some of this money to get a wood stove and wood or alternate source of heat (Kerosene heater, pellet stove, etc.) Also don't forget to purchase water storage containers or use old containers that you already have.

Of course, if you happen to have some money left after the financial meltdown now would be a good time to put it into precious metals, tools, seeds, farmland and other necessary tangibles. Solar panels would be nice also as well as a windmill and a bicycle if you don't have one. Remember in a few weeks to months even, your money won't be worth very much probably but keep enough cash to be able to negotiate for day to day necessities. If you have things like extra batteries, candles, ammo, etc you can use those for barter.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Half Past Human

This is a site that I have used extensively to try and help negotiate the financial turmoil for my readers. In a nutshell, Cliff, the founder and Igor, his trusty sidekick, send spiders out on the web to gather information. This is then processed in order to come up with time lines for major events that will impact all of us.

The language found, or linguistics, contains hints of what is currently coming out of web content around the world and its role in the foretelling of future events. There is a more in-depth explaination at the website if you are interested. I know it sounds a little out there but their track record is nothing short of phenominal. So, take a gander at halfpasthuman and check it out. Other counties and government have been using similar programs for years with amazing results.

Recently they have restructured the program to come out with reports in a way that will furnish the information on a more regular basis. There is a small charge for the reports but I am in no way affiliated with the program. I am just interested in furnishing any and all information that will possibly help readers in any manner.

Rearrange Holdings and Buy Precious Metals

Well, for those of you who have been anxiously awaiting the latest news on the state of the economy, I thought I had better get busy and get the word out. The news is not great unless you have followed my advice and rearranged your holdings, including stocks and your 401K,, IRA, etc. Most in the know are advising to get into precious metals and I can't disagree there. However, I suggest to stay away from the paper assets and go straight for the real bullion, bars and coins. The safest way to do that is to look up your local coin shops and take cash to purchase 1 oz gold or silver coins or 10 oz bars. Some do not accept checks. Call ahead. But be careful, some of the silver 100 oz bars have been drilled and part of the silver removed.

Shop around if you are in an area with more than one dealer. Prices vary and the premium on some coins is high. These may be one of the few things that will hold their value or, more likely, increase, in the near future when things get even worse, as almost surely will be the case. Don't worry about not gaining interest on your investment. Those days are over. And you will realize much more on the increase in value than you could ever get in interest anyway. I have to say that this is not financial advise, but just what I would do it I were you. For financial advise, seek the services of a financial professional. But beware of the old "buy and hold stock" theorists of old. These are not valid options in the new economy for anyone hoping to get through what looks to be the summer of hell, which is upon us.

So keep coming back to Survival Stew for more information as it comes available but I wanted to get this urgent posting up as soon as possible for those of you who do not have access to alternative sources of information other than the misinformation being spread by the main stream media outlets. So please, take into consideration other sources such as this and visit the SURVIVAL STORE at the top of this page to get invaluable information for this, the world with totally new rules, which calls for a totally new game plan.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Financial Moves That Need Immediate Consideration

The time is now for anyone hoping to spare what might be left of their savings to seriously consider rearranging their holdings. This should in no way to be considered financial advice and anyone seeking professional financial help should consult with a financial specialist. However, a little checking into the not so main stream media paints us a dire picture of events that lie ahead, indeed.

Lately it seems to be becoming very clear that whatever the future might hold could very well not be too rosy at all. If we take time to stop and take a look at some of the most knowledgeable of available sources, it should prompt us to action. There are many clues out there today that might tip off the savvy individual, if looked at with an open mind.

The buy and hold strategy of some investments that worked well in the past may not be the best position to hold in the new economy. That’s because we are in a late stage of the old paradigm now and it is not very likely that things will return to the way they once were this time. There are many reasons for this. And it’s not just this country that is going through it, although we may fare worse than some of the others. But, for the most part, we are all in this together. There is a very good possibility that what may lie ahead is hyper-inflation that will eat away the savings of most people unless they take significant steps to counteract this soon, maybe starting by as early as the later part of this summer. That would be the most likely outcome with the current money printing policies being implemented at this time. And it won’t be easy, if possible at all, to pull out of it any time soon, if ever. This is not meant to instill fear but only to provide information so that some of the possibly disastrous outcomes might be avoided.

Some of you will undoubtedly wave off these warnings as the ranting of some crazy extremist but, like I stated before, if you care to do the research, you will find that some of the best and brightest are starting to come up with these same conclusions. Of course, attempts will be made at nullifying them by the protectors of the old paradigm using ridicule or whatever other means possible. After all, the way things have been up until now works very well for some and any inevitable changes to the system would endanger their positions.

Reseed The Garden

Its time to check your garden out and see assess the condition of what you have planted. If you planted seeds last month, they should have started to sprout by now. If not, we need to cultivate that area and reuse the space. To cultivate, just means to break up the soil and loosen it up a little. You can also do this for any spaces where you transplanted plants and they did not make it. Don't worry. You can utilize that valuable space and replant it with either seeds or plants that are still available.

Actually, this practice will stagger your harvests and serve to furnish food on more of a continuous basis. So, try to make time to grab your garden tools and packs of seeds or plants and head out to the garden. And remember to continue planting to create a steady supply of food. Keep watering and fertilize for best results. Don't let dry fertilizer touch the stems if adding. Keep it a few inches away or mix it in the soil with water ahead of time.

See other gardening articles within this blog, including the award winning article for starting a survival garden, what will prove to be an indispensable addition to your preparations.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Disguising Of The Current Depression

An interesting report came out recently from author Michael Panzner's site, part of which appears below.

Although I believe that our government has every incentive to make the economy look better, employment appear stronger, and inflation seem weaker than they really are, I'm not a statistician or an economist (for what it's worth, some might view that as a good thing).
Hence, while I can't sit here and say for certain that our government manipulates the data in such a way that it has become meaningless, common sense tells me, for instance, that the Bureau of Labor Statistics' assumption that start-up businesses accounted for 43,000 new construction jobs in May is reason enough to doubt whatever Washington is telling us (for a bit more color on this particular statistic, check out "May Employment Report Not Believable" at

With that in mind, it's not hard to side with the views of the statistical gadfly cited in the following SmartMoney report, "True or False: U.S. Economic Stats Lie."
How’s the economy treating you? Chances are, your answer is colored largely by three things: whether you’re working (if you want to), how much you’re making and how quickly your expenses are rising. Economists rely heavily on the same factors to judge the nation’s health. At last count, 9.4% of the workforce is jobless. Compared with a year ago, the goods and services we produce are worth 5.7% less while the ones we buy are 0.7% cheaper.
Two bright people might see sharply different things in those numbers. To one, the shrinking economy is a healthy unwinding of past excess, for example, while to another it’s a dangerous downturn that calls for bold government action. But what if the numbers themselves are something we should be debating? In the alarming view of a vocal few, America’s economic measures are misstated -- rigged, really.

The accusation goes like this: Surveyors collect the nation’s data and statisticians compile and report it. Politicians naturally want the numbers to show improvement. Not being able to change the facts, they focus on the handling of facts, pressuring statisticians to change their measurements. It’s not quite one grand conspiracy but decades of minor ones compiled. Today’s reports are so perverted, the theory holds, that the numbers have detached from common experience.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Blog Carnivals

Certain, select articles from my site have been submitted to be featured on Blog Carnival. You should swing by there and take a look at Blog Carnival. It's really an unbelievably cool site.

OK, I'm going to give a shot at explaining this all to you. It's not as difficult as it might sound, in fact, its really simple as you can see once you actually go there. I think you'll be glad you did.

The way it works is that you are able to browse a large list of subjects set up into what they call "Blog Carnivals". A Carnival is a group of related articles from various blogs on the Internet. First, a person decides to take on the task of reviewing articles that are sent to a certain Carnival. They then select the best articles out of the ones that are sent to them. This moderator will eventually end up posting his own article along with a list of links leading to those "cream of the crop" articles on the same subject. You can then click whatever title sounds good to you and be whisked around the World Wide Web to see these top articles for yourself on some of the best blogs out there.

When you first sign in you will see a link to browse carnivals and, if you would like, you can sign on to head up any vacant carnivals that interest you. There are so many of them that you can be sure to find some that you like. That way your article will appear on the first page and you can link your site to it, if you have one. And the best part is, it's all FREE.

Safeguard Your Garden With Motion Detection Sprinklers

The fastest way to lose your hard earned garden plants is from deer, rabbits, birds and other wildlife or even the household pet. But don't fret, there is now a way to avoid the damage many encounter from these pesky creatures. The new motion detecting sprinkler will turn itself on when these pests are in the area in order to keep your garden free from danger.

However, in the near future, even more of a danger to your food supply than those pests could actually be hungry, two legged creatures. And these sprinklers will be sure to send them packing fast. If you think about it, what would go through a person's head when the sprinklers suddenly turn on? Whatever it is, I don't think they would want to stick around to find out.

In conclusion, a few of these, depending on your garden size, should be a very good way to ensure that you have plenty of food come harvest time. This will surely prove to be a much more efficient method of control than alternative means of protection such as fencing, video surveillance, watch dog or armed guard. So, if you want the ultimate in safety, cost effectiveness and peace of mind, install a few of these before it's too late. Oh, and by the way, set up could not be easier. Just click the picture to go to the order page.

Easy Chicken Soup

If electricity is not a problem or if there's snow to bury it in, frozen chicken can be kept for a long time. And there are lots of dishes you can use it in. One of the easiest and best tasting is good old chicken soup. This is my version.

If on the bone (best taste), boil pieces the equivalent of half of a chicken in a large pot with 6 cups of water for 30 minutes uncovered at a medium boil . (If not, use 2 cups of chicken, 4 cups of broth and 2 cups of water.) Take chicken out and let cool enough to handle it. Cut into small pieces.

Add the chicken and 2 cups each of diced carrots and celery to the liquid. Cook uncovered for another 20 minutes at a medium boil. Add 2 cups of flat noodles and cook uncovered for 10 more minutes at a medium boil. Salt to taste and serve.

If you want to substitute rice for the noodles, add 1 and 1/2 cups in place of the noodles, turn heat down to medium low and cover for 15 minutes. Add more water anytime if you don't want it as thick. This is the same recipe for chicken and dumplings also. Just follow the directions on the Bisquick or Jiffy Mix box and substitute for the rice and noodles.

This is a great healing food if someone is sick. Some say that's an old wives tale but have you heard of the placebo effect? Basically it goes like this: if you think something will make you better, it usually does. Speaking of health, don't forget to stock extra medicines and first aid supplies.

Get Priorities Straight When Prepping For The Future

There's a lot of information around for those folks that some are now calling "prepers" or those who are preparing for dire future scenarios. One way of trying to make sense of the pages and pages of seemingly endless information and long lists of items that may be needed is to step back and take a look at that vessel we all contend with on this plane, the human body.

The one thing that could do a person in very fast is not having breathable air. For those that can't afford expensive, full face masks, lets hope this one doesn't come to pass. (The eye's could need protection in some situations, which a breathing apparatus that covers only the mouth and nose would not provide.)

If our bodies were suddenly thrust too far out of our narrow range of necessary temperatures, it could also pretty much mean instant death. So, in order to prepare for this, we would need to somehow control our environment ensuring that we not to get too hot or too cold. A wood stove with a good supply of wood could be one possible tool to counter the cold. Hint: large chunks of wood are harder to steal than smaller ones. And what about a solar powered air conditioner? You get the picture. But don't worry if you, like most people, can not afford those expensive panels. A quick heating up of things as drastically as that has a lower probability of occurrence than do other scenarios.

Fresh water would be our next concern. Stocking this and keeping it drinkable is the subject of many sources that can easily be looked up. And lets not forget the supply in the hot water tank, toilet tank and filling the tub if time allows.

As for food supplies, this is also covered in many easy to find places. And don't forget the rice and noodles. I have many recipes soon to be posted that will utilize these affordable and storable, nourishing staples. If you have the wood stove and fuel, this can double as a cooking stove. And remember, you'll be needing dry matches, pot, etc.

This is by no means an exhaustive coverage of the topic for prepers but just some guidelines that might prove helpful. Not to be too paranoid but it's always better to be prepared than not to be prepared. You might want to check some of the numerous sites that go into much more depth including escape plans if needed. And remember not to keep your lights on if you are the only one around that has lights. If someone thinks you have something they need, they may try to do whatever necessary to secure those things for themselves.

Crimes By Everyday People Are Way Up Due To Economy

There's a good posting today on the author Michael Panzner's site, Financial Armageddon. There he talks about the increase in people claiming their autos as stolen in order to collect insurance money by defrauding their insurance companies.

Evidently this type of crime goes way up in poor financial times. As the logic goes, more and more people are unable to pay for their vehicles, for which they owe much more than they can sell them, if anyone has money to buy them in the first place. The bigger picture is that, actually, a lot of crime tends to go up when the economy goes down. People get the feeling that they have nothing to lose and that the chance of getting caught outweighs the need to try to do something in order to survive. Panzner is the author of When Giants Fall.

He predicted the present downturn far in advance and tells what's coming next and what we can do about it. Also, you will be able to subscribe to his excellent email service for free and receive great articles on a regular basis.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Easy Survival Stew

Here's a wonderful recipein which to use your new garden vegetables or vegetables from the farmer's market (support your local businesses) or, if you must, the grocery store. A vegetarian version can be made by skipping the meat. Okay, here goes.

Roll 1 lb. beef, venison, rabbit, lamb, moose or whatever chunks in flour and brown in oil in a large pot with a lid.

Add 4 cups of beef broth and heat till almost boiling. Turn down heat until it stays at a very low boil or just below and cover. Cook for 30 minutes.

Add 1 cup of each of the following: diced potatoes, diced carrots, peeled and diced tomatoes, peas, and beans (green, Lima or both).

Other ingredients may be added, if desired. Good ones are corn, okra, chickpeas, celery, rutabaga, any other kind of beans, and pasta (add pasta 10 minutes before finished). If a thicker broth is desired, stir 4 T corn starch into 1/2 cup cold water and stir into stew.

Cook uncovered on medium heat for another 30 minutes and salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy!

Check back often. There will be a lot of other very good and easy recipes that won't break the bank.

Survival Garden

Everyone has to buy food but you can benefit both monetarily and health wise from growing your own either in a garden or in containers indoors. For just a few dollars, you'll be able to save hundreds or perhaps thousands. Don't be dissuaded if you've never done it. Nature can take care of most of it for you. After all, things have been growing without our help for a long time. Some sites are daunting with all of the information out there but basically you need to dig a hole, plant a seed and water. (Seed packs display instructions also.)

You may have heard of heritage or heirloom seeds, which are simply seeds from plants that are passed down from back around 50 years ago or more when food didn't taste like the container that they come in, not to mention the greater health benefits. They will not be genetically modified as some that you may buy in stores or online today. If you search online, you'll locate many companies offering these types of seeds.

Note: It may be necessary to "hide" your plants to avoid thievery when it all hits the fan. Look for this to be a problem very soon. Try spreading your plots out in indiscrete areas around your house or even in public areas. Most people don't know what a potato or carrot plant looks like and won't mess with them.

Four seasons gardening is another option and will give you a year round food supply. You will probably need fluorescent or special grow lights for this but they will pay for themselves many times over. Just keep them on movable ropes or possibly a pulley system to keep them a few inches above the plants. A south facing window might just do the trick though as this will give them extended periods of sunshine.

You should try to water your plants at least every few days or more depending on the weather. One easy way to do this is to set up a sprinkler system or soaker hoses. Just buy some connectors where you can hook three or more hoses up as needed. If done right, all you'll have to do is turn on the faucet in the morning for about 20 minutes and everything is done for you. If you want to get fancy, you can even buy a timer for a few bucks from the garden section and hook that up, which is easier than you might think. Of course, to save on the o'le water bill, you can use collected rain and what they call gray water from doing laundry, dishes or baths as long as it doesn't contain bleach or other harsh chemicals. Dish soap, shampoo, conditioner, detergent and bar soap is okay.

Depending on the spare time available, you may want to maintain a compost pile of leftovers (no meats or dairy and some say to stay away from putting cooked food in to avoid vermin). Mix this with leaves, grass (unless it has been treated with weed killer, etc.), paper and cardboard strips (not glossy) and add water periodically to keep it moist. When it becomes the consistency of a crumbly soil, after about 3 months usually, it's ready to mix in your soil or spread on top. Peat moss is also good for that and comes in big bags for a reasonable price from a lot of places. Other things such as sawdust, cow and horse manure (not from pets), and sand (if your soil is more clay like) may also be added.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Update For The Economy In Michigan

What's going on up there in the statistically worst state in the union, you might ask. Nothing pretty. Lots of foreclosed homes as I look down the street. Some are trying to rent them out with not much luck. A prison is closing in Muskegon, by Lake Michigan, so there are more unemployed to go along with the auto victims. Speaking of victims, I wonder if any of the criminals will be moving into those rental homes next door. They could get together and have like say oh, 5 or 6 murderers that could possibly come up with the rent, after some contracts that is....or maybe drug dealers; they should have money, right? Well, if they can find anyone that has money to buy their drugs, that is. Speaking of money, I read in the Detroit News today that money that came from the Federal government to Michigan was not directly ordered to go to healthcare as it was intended, so the State government just took it to use on other projects. Update: Today the News reports that doctors are refusing to see Medicare patients because of the new cut in payments to doctors by the government.

The Real Economic Forecast

Mainstream media would have you believe that the economy has bottomed and everything is going to be just peachy from here on out. Unfortunately, this is not the case, as many of you are probably aware of. If you do some research off the beaten path, the conclusion is that the most likely outcome is going to be this. The stock market may go up and down until late summer or early fall. And then the bottom is going to fall out. I won't get into all of the reasons here; you can find that in a lot of other locations, including the Urban Survival site discussed on a previous post down below this one. However, just a warning, this dead cat bounce (upward trend in stocks) is not going to last, so you would be well advised to rearrange your 401ks or other holdings if needed. The numbers that are being thrown at us are being skewed in order to make things look better than they are. And this situation that we have been put into will not be getting better until after 2013 sometime. Bad news but, hopefully, you can make it through if you act accordingly and good luck to all of us. We'll need it.

Economic Survival

The web site, Urban Survival, is a daily report that covers economics as well as many other issues not covered in the main stream media. If you want the true news and ideas not normally expressed, this is a good site to visit every day. It is a free report Monday through Saturday. On Sunday, the author publishes a weekly report for those who would like more in-depth coverage for $40/year. On the daily report he foresaw and published the date of the Oct. '08 stock market drop and many other things. Also, some good tips might be gleaned from the free daily report, which comes online about 9 am here in good ol'e, last one out turn off the lights, Michigan, as well as the weekly (Sunday afternoon 4 pm ish) report, although it is not financial advice.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Coast To Coast AM

Each night, actually 1 am in the east, there is a radio program on that features many interesting topics and guests. Topics range from fringe items such as UFOs, conspiracies, and alternative medicine to spirituality, economics, current events, and science. If you have trouble staying up this late, an option is to record the shows with one of the devices offered by the C. Crane radio company, and others. So, for all of you night owls, just scan the dial on the a. m. band during the correct times and you will surely come across the program on several stations, if you have the reception. It lasts for four hours and usually features several various topics and guests throughout the program. You will be able to listen to interviews with many top authors, scientists, doctors, lawyers and even an occasional Nobel prize winner, just to name a few. And, if not too tired, you can even call in to ask questions or give comments.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Privacy Policy for

As with most other websites, we collect and use the data contained in log files. The information in the log files include your IP (internet protocol) address, your ISP (internet service provider, such as AOL or Shaw Cable), the browser you used to visit our site (such as Internet Explorer or Firefox), the time you visited our site and which pages you visited throughout our site. We do use cookies to store information, such as your personal preferences when you visit our site. This could include only showing you a popup once in your visit, or the ability to login to some of our features, such as forums. We also use third party advertisements on to support our site. Some of these advertisers may use technology such as cookies and web beacons when they advertise on our site, which will also send these advertisers (such as Google through the Google AdSense program) information including your IP address, your ISP , the browser you used to visit our site, and in some cases, whether you have Flash installed. This is generally used for geotargeting purposes (showing New York real estate ads to someone in New York, for example) or showing certain ads based on specific sites visited (such as showing cooking ads to someone who frequents cooking sites). We also may use DART cookies for ad serving through Google’s DoubleClick, which places a cookie on your computer when you are browsing the web and visit a site using DoubleClick advertising (including some Google AdSense advertisements). This cookie is used to serve ads specific to you and your interests (”interest based targeting”). The ads served will be targeted based on your previous browsing history (For example, if you have been viewing sites about visiting Las Vegas, you may see Las Vegas hotel advertisements when viewing a non-related site, such as on a site about hockey). DART uses “non personally identifiable information”. It does NOT track personal information about you, such as your name, email address, physical address, telephone number, social security numbers, bank account numbers or credit card numbers. You can opt-out of this ad serving on all sites using this advertising by visiting . You can choose to disable or selectively turn off our cookies or third-party cookies in your browser settings, or by managing preferences in programs such as Norton Internet Security. However, this can affect how you are able to interact with our site as well as other websites. This could include the inability to login to services or programs, such as logging into forums or accounts. Deleting cookies does not mean you are permanently opted out of any advertising program. Unless you have settings that disallow cookies, the next time you visit a site running the advertisements, a new cookie will be added. AdSense Privacy Policy Provided by JenSense